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Zettai Kareshi - Absolute Boyfriend Review

I know I’ve cried harder than Riiko did. And I know it’s futile crying over a robot. It’s as if I’m crying over a broken appliance, and I didn’t even cry when I’ve lost my phone. But Night’s different.
Zettai Kareshi (Absolute Boyfriend) revolves around Izawa Riiko (Aibu Saki). She was chosen to take part in a 5 day free trial of a lover Robot that Kronos Heaven has produced. She has named him “Night Tenjo (Hayami Mokomichi)”. At first Riiko only sees Night as a household appliance, not even showing some care. But finally Night’s love and devotion has caught her attention. Also part of the story is Asamoto Soshi (Hiro Mizushima), a young executive who will eventually fall for her.
My Review
This would be long I swear.
Manga and Live Action (LA)
Though a lot of people (as in a lot) have aired their disappointment on Zettai Kareshi’s Live Action, saying things like the manga and the LA are way too different, and that the manga’s greater, I beg to disagree (ang taray).
I think it has something to do on what you’ve seen first. Naturally if you’ve seen something for the first time, and you liked it, it will remain that way, and if ever “that something” will be reproduced in another form, and there would be a lot of difference between the story, your prejudice would reign, therefore blocking your mind from even enjoying that “new thing” for whatever it is, and also you already now how the story goes, so it may bore you. Okay, I’m not generalizing here. I’m onlny saying that these things do happen.
Truth is, I haven’t read the manga, but I know that there’s really a big big difference between the two (LA). Though I haven’t read it, I would say that the Live Action’s good – that would suffice. I would stop comparing the two now.
On to my review.
The Story
Hmmm. I have to admit that the first few episodes of Zettai Kareshi were quite a bore. Yes, it has even lead to me, leaving unwatched episodes of ZK on my HD. However, I don’t know what happened but come episode 5 or 6 I guess, I’ve become engrossed in the story.
And after that episode, the story keeps getting better and better. I honestly mean that. My favorite episode would have to be EPISODE 7. It’s the first time that I’ve cried, not because I’m sad but because I was truthfully touched by the scene. It’s when Riiko finally sees that Night is more than a robot. I could really feel the emotion.
After episode 7, the remaining episodes have kept me crying, even though there isn’t a reason to cry, but I still did, ‘coz I’m thinking ahead (I have my mind focused on the final episode.)
The final episode – goodness gracious, I was crying on the first scene, everytime I see Night, my tears just fall down. Good thing about the finale is that I think the atmosphere would be sad, but I was wrong. HAHA. There are parts that have made me laugh. Seriously. I was crying but then there’s this overly funny scene, and poof! LOL.
But as expected, come the last few minutes, my eyes have gone swollen (is it the right term). WAAAA T_T. The words that were spoken by Night’s so heart warming. I think the ending’s great, though Riiko haven’t even said “that word” to Night, but it perfectly make sense. The part where in Night was put to his original boz, holding the clover and the scarf, and where in Namikiri said “sweet dreams“, OMG, I want to cry all over again, so so beautiful yet sad.
Isn’t it obvious that I like Night?. :D
Moko as Night. I think Moko has done a perfect job. Word’s aren’t enough for me to tell you how I liked Moko as Night. He can make me laugh like hell and he could also make me sad by seeing his lonely expression.
Aibu Saki as Riiko. AHAHAHA. I haven’t liked Aibu that much before, because her role would be this goody girl who has this bitchiness in her. In ZK, hmm I have appreciated her more. I think that’s all. ahahaha.
Hiro as Soshi – weee, I like the “nanba” him, though there are points where in I admire his character (sorry I’m in favor of Night than Soshi, so I think I’m biased here).
My Opinion
Isn’t there a way for Mr. Namikiri to make another robot exactly like Night? Just asking.
ZK’s memorable for me, because it’s the first series that I’ve completed via torrent. I’ve patiently waited for the subbers to finish every episode, and I can’t bear to watch it on streaming sites (though I’ve watched the first 2 episodes on it, but as I’ve told you I thought the story’s not that good).
But I like Zettai Kareshi a lot. That’s all I can say, though it hasn’t become on top of my favorite drama list, but it would remain a favorite of mine. :D
Its OST (Okaeri) beautiful too, it fits the story, everytime the song’s played, I could always picture Night in a pink apron patiently waiting for Riiko to come home. :)
I guess that sums up my thought on ZK.

  • haaaaaaaay.. i love this drama.. although i don’t have any idea what really happened in the manga.. but the LA, shocks, it really made me cry and laugh and it’s really a feel-good movie, it’s just that the ending was pretty sad with nighto being gone.. i hope there’ll be a part two or something wherein nighto will be back and riiko is still single and can’t get over him.. hahahaha.. selfish moi!! i love okaeri too!! :)
  • we’re the same here.
    i think the setting used in the manga was that of high school. And then Soshi’s Riiko’s friend at the very start, but oh well.
    Yeah, I was wondering, can’t they just replace that main chip, it’s okay as long Night’s looks is the same, but then again there wouldn’t be any end to the story.
    I was really looking forward to riiko saying she loves night but it didn’t came, :(
  • i did like the manga, i read it middway of the series so i basically knew how the series was going to end. in the manga it was obvious that riiko will choose night over soshi but it the series it wasn’t. that’s why i was more touched when riiko chose night in the series. but i did cry harder at the manga’s ending than the series (probably because i read it first). i did not cry when night died because there were a couple of pages left and i was so sure he’ll come back. then it becomes one year later and riiko sees a guy in front of him …. which turns out to be soshi (from spain) … with a letter from night that he wrote before he died. i totally bawled then because i realized night’s not coming back and there won’t be a happy ending… sniff sniff
    anyway, i think people say the manga’s better because night gets to sleep with riiko hahaha
  • T.T * sob* * sob* poor night.. it was a perfect and beautiful drama though. Hayami really did a great job~!
  • episode 7 is definitely the most touching scene ever! when night utter those memories he shared with riiko, you can’t help but let tears roll down your cheeks!
  • The special ending is kind of disappointing. Every actions that they make are so predictable–meaning I can guess what will happen next. And I don’t understand why they introduce a new character at the end of the story–Dr. Kamiya.
    But the original ending was good. Although it is sad that Night dies, the human characters move on in life.


Comments :

Anonymous said... on 

im watching this series now.. and i gotta say even thou they are kindda short compare to the manga.. i really enjoy it so far..//

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